Sweet Grumpy Old Man


Created by Lisa 16 years ago
Tiger was born to a stray alley cat. One of three kittens, the mother had rejected him, pushing him out of her way, and refusing to feed him. Regardless to the ways of nature, and despite his mothers best efforts to abandon him, I knew that the mother, and all 3 kittens would eventually be homed, and so set out to spend a long, determined night, following her around the kitchen with the small, cold, dying tabby kitten, until my perseverance out won hers, and she gave up and allowed tiger to feed. Over the following 8 weeks we watched the kittens develop, tiger more slowly than the others, clearly the runt of the litter. And so when the time came for them all to leave to be re-homed, our little miracle tabby stayed with us. Always a small cat, Tiger had the heart and bravery of a lion. On several occasions he'd have our hearts in our mouths as he attacked neighboring or visiting dogs, one of which, a Rhodesian ridge back, still wears the scars from Tigers claws. Climbing and jumping roofs held no fear for him, and for his first few years preferred the upstairs bedroom window as his own personal 'cat flap'. His comical antics never failed to have us rolling with laughter, bouncing of walls and furniture, chasing god only knows what, or dragging himself around with his front claws, back legs in the air, to suddenly fall asleep, where he lay, on his back, legs 'spread eagled' in the air. Games of 'hide and pounce' as you were trying to get ready to go out, or sitting next to you, inquisitive, wanting to sniff everything you opened or touched. The last couple of years he'd slowed down, playing the 'grumpy old man' role. He was so unbelievably cheeky, and so damn adorable with it. Due to family circumstances, this last year or so, he had 2 homes, one in the countryside, with the rabbits, ducks and sheep, and the town house he'd grown up in. He'd happily jump in his box, to be strapped onto the back seat of the car, and watch the world go by as he traveled between the two. I've tried to stick to details here, rather than how I’m feeling about him, so you can better get to know tiger. But know that he had the personality of any ten cats. Each and everyone he met, he formed his own personal relationship with. He will be missed by many people; he had many 'human' friends and family. He will be sorely missed by me... sleep in peace Tiger, breakfast will always be so lonely without you x x My sweet grumpy old man x (Love to Lisa)